B: See
bel. |
A means of communication from users to content providers. Examples
include a connection between the central office and the end user, an
Internet connection using a
modem, or systems where
content providers transmit interactive television (analog or digital) to
users while users can connect through a back channel to a web site, for

Abbreviation for Broadband Interactive
Services. The delivery of all types of interactive video, data, and
voice services over a broadband communications network.
(BR): A term applied to any process in
cable plant
that causes light to change directions in a fiber and return to the
source. Occurs most often at connector interfaces where a glass-air
interface causes a reflection.

The return of a portion of scattered light to the input end of a fiber;
the scattering of light in the direction opposite to its original
(BW): 1) The difference
between the lower and upper frequencies of a band of electromagnetic
radiation. 2)The amount of data that can be passed along a
communications channel in a given amount of time.
Bandwidth•Distance Product:
A figure of merit equal to the product of
the fiber’s length and the -3 dB bandwidth of the optical signal. The
bandwidth•distance product is usually stated in megahertz • kilometer
(MHz•km) or gigahertz•kilometer (GHz•km). It is a useful figure of merit
for predicting the effective fiber bandwidth for other lengths, and for
fibers. |
Bandwidth-limited Operation:
The condition in a fiber optic link when bandwidth, rather than received
optical power, limits performance. This condition is reached when the
signal becomes distorted, principally by
beyond specified limits.
A method of communication in which a signal is transmitted at its
original frequency without being impressed on a carrier.
Baud: A unit of signaling speed equal to the
number of signal symbols per second, which may or may not be equal to
the data rate in bits per second.
An optical device, such as a partially reflecting mirror, that splits a
beam of light into two or more beams. Used in fiber optics for
directional couplers.

(B): The logarithm to the base 10 of a
power ratio, expressed as: B = log10(P1/P2),
where P1 and P2 are distinct powers. The
equal to one-tenth bel, is a more commonly used unit.
Bending Loss:
Attenuation caused by high-order modes radiating from the outside of a
fiber optic
which occur when the fiber is bent around a small radius. See also
Bend Radius:
The smallest radius an optical fiber or fiber cable can bend before
excessive attenuation or breakage occurs. Bending a fiber less than the
minimum recommended bend radius will shorten it's service life and cause
excessive attenuation. Most fibers can tolerate a minimum bend radius of

(Bit Error Rate): The
fraction of
transmitted that are received incorrectly. The bit error rate of a
system can be estimated as follows:
Where N0
= Noise power spectral density (A2/Hz).
IMIN = Minimum effective signal amplitude (Amps).
B = Bandwidth (Hz).
Q(x) = Cumulative distribution function (Gaussian
Abbreviation for bidirectional
a device that sends information in one direction and receives
information from the opposite direction.

Operating in both directions. Bidirectional couplers operate the same
way regardless of the direction light passes through them. Bidirectional
transmission sends signals in both directions, sometimes through the
same fiber.
Base two numbers with only two possible values, 0, or 1. Primarily used
by communication and computer systems.
Having a
refractive index
that differs for light of different
Several crystalline materials such as calcite exhibit birefringence.

The smallest unit of information upon which digital communications are
based; also an electrical or optical
that carries this information.

Bit Depth:
The number of levels that a pixel might have, such as 256 with an 8-bit
depth or 1,024 with a 10-bit depth.
Abbreviation for built-in test equipment. Features designed into a piece
of equipment that allow on-line diagnosis of failures and operating
status. Status LEDs are one example.
Bit Period
(T): The amount of time required
to transmit a logical one or a logical zero.
Popular coax bayonet style connector, Often used
for baseband video.

Bragg Grating:
A technique for building optical filtering functions directly into a
piece of
optical fiber
based on interferometric techniques. Usually this is accomplished by
making the fiber photosensitive and exposing the fiber to deep UV
light through a grating. This forms regions of higher and lower
refractive indices in the fiber

Broadband: A method of communication where the
signal is transmitted by being impressed on a high-frequency carrier.
1) In
optical fiber,
a protective coating applied directly to the fiber (illustrated). 2) A
routine or storage used to compensate for a difference in rate of flow
of data, or time of occurrence of events, when transferring data from
one device to another.

Bus Network:
network topology
in which all terminals are attached to a transmission medium serving as
a bus. Also called a daisy-chain configuration.

Butt Splice:
A joining of two fibers without optical connectors arranged end-to-end
by means of a coupling.
Fusion splicing
is an example. A mechanical splice is shown.

The ability of a node to isolate itself optically from a network while
maintaining the continuity of the
cable plant.

A unit of eight
