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Warranty and Repair
Your Olson Technology, Inc. equipment is covered by a one year limited warranty. If it is necessary to return the unit(s) for repair, please observe the following procedures:
  1. Telephone our customer service department at (800) 545-1022 and request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) Number before the unit is sent. We will not accept any returned material without prior authorization.
  2. Any unit(s) authorized for return should be adequately boxed in either the original shipping box or with adequate packing material (3 to 4 inches) for UPS shipment.
  3. Any unit that is returned and found to be in proper working order will be charged $100.00 for handling and testing. If the problem is intermittent, please make a note to that effect and fully explain the circumstances under which the problems occur.
  4. Funds for Out of Warranty repair, and/or the funds due for units still under warranty but found by Olson Technology to be in proper working order, are due prior to return shipping.
  5. Download the complete Warranty here. 
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Olson Technology, Inc. Headquarters
24926 Highway 108 • Mi-Wuk Village, CA 95346
USA (800) 545-1022 • TEL (209) 586-1022 • FAX
(209) 586-1035 • www.olsontech.comsales@olsontech.com 

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